Child Sponsorship
We believe that by investing in one life, we can change the world together. Mission Life’s goal is to connect each child with one person who cares. With child sponsorship, the sponsor changes a child’s life by providing basic needs through a monthly donation. This includes the typical barriers to education like school fees, supplies, and uniforms, as well as the following:
With these needs met, the sponsor gives their child a hand up. It opens the door to hope and an opportunity to build a fruitful and meaningful life.
change one life
The power of Relationships
You are about to experience the power of relationships and how it can change the world.
Mission Life is revolutionizing child sponsorship, using video messages to connect children and sponsors. This enables flourishing relationships where everyone can inspire, encourage and get to know one another -- face to face.
It all starts with one life changed in Christ -- and that life finding its purpose -- to help change the world.
Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:16-17)
Mission Trips
Want to meet your child and/or volunteer on a mission trip? Learn more about where our trips take place and what God has in store for you.
Read the latest Stories of Change from our centers and Mission Life!
Through games, songs, plays and special treats and food, our children learn how much each one of them means to God, their community and to the world. They look forward to these special activities every year.
…Her happiness could be felt as they arrived with their translator for the visit. When she asked the translator if the kids recognized her, a uniform movement of their heads suggested they did not. That’s when I got confirmation for the vision to create something for that piece missing in this kind of relationship. The connection of meeting face to face could not be felt through photos and letters to each other from the other side of the world.